Sound-Movement-Document Competition #MAMW/#T/#LTW

In other languages, many different styles of artful language documents exist. One method is like this: people recite the document in a group and move their bodies so a viewing person can see and hear that document. But projects like this are nonexistant in Toki Pona! Therefore, jan Jan organized a new competition. Make a document using that method goddamnit!

Five documents were written for the competition!
#1 toki ala o e toki inli - by kulupu kama
#2 nanpa pi kipisi ala - by Anonymous
#3 tu kuntu - by kala pona Tonyu and kule epiku Atawan
#4 mijomi telo - by jan Sami, jan Kawa, and jan inwin
#4 wi lon - jan Sitowapu

With regards to the group, ‘tu kuntu’ was really good because of this: the document was very long, and very amusing as well! This means that kala pona Tonyu and kule epiku Atawan were the winners!